The Works of Plato: A New and Literal Version Chiefly from the Text of Stallbaum Volule-Six by George Burges pdf

The works of Plato : a new and literal version, chiefly from the text of Stallbaum Volule-Six  pdf Download

The works of Plato : a new and literal version, chiefly from the text of Stallbaum  pdf Download

  • Book Name :  The works of Plato : a new and literal version, chiefly from the text of Stallbaum
  • Writer :  Plato
  • Publisher:  London : H. G. Bohn
  • Publication date :  
  • Book Category : Philosophy, Western Philosophy
  • Book Language :    English
  •  Book Format:    EPUB  KINDLE PDF
  • Book Size:  20.2 Mb
  • Volume- Six
  • GET A COPY     Amazon.In
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